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Highland Carbon is raising funds in support of Scotland’s first sustainable community Food Forest.   Highland Carbon instigated the project, on behalf of the local landowner.  We engaged Tabitha Jayne, Director of Earthself, to manage the project.  Next we recruited the University of the Highlands and Islands to utilise the project as a field station for applied learning.   Once in place, we will engage with local schools and the Pitlochry Food Bank to achieve educational and wellbeing outcomes.

The Forest will be an invaluable resource for a very remote, Highland Community.  The Forest will have an amazing location on the very shore of Loch Rannoch.  The lease on the 1.4 hectares of land and the groundwork have been donated. 

Our remotest communities which rely on tourism were hit particularly hard by the Covid pandemic.  Today, people are experiencing globally rising fuel prices and a cost-of-living crisis.

In remote Highland communities sourcing fresh produce can be a particular challenge.  Trips to town for supplies are infrequent for local people.  This necessitates that their cars be filled mainly with non-perishable food items to last for weeks.  Fresh fruit can be a scarce resource.

The Food Forest will offer nutritional benefits and enjoyment to local people, from the youngest to the oldest.  We aim to plant around 100 fruiting trees and bushes on the plot.  The project will be managed organically.  Fruit will be provided for free to local people, and local volunteers will tend the trees.

The Food Forest will offer a sustainable resource for the community.  It will achieve educational, nutritional, health and wellbeing outcomes for this very remote community.

It is a pioneering project that we hope will be replicated in other communities.  The capital cost of the project is expected to be £25,000.  Roughly half of this will be for the trees and the other half will be for robust fencing to protect the fragile trees from deer browsing.

We plan to plant good sized-saplings, not bare-root whips.  The fruit trees are available for sponsorship at £50 each.  We are seeking founding sponsors at £500+ each.  In the event that we overshoot our fundraising, we will look into further ideas such as a polytunnel. 

The Food Forest will be named in memory of Emiel (Aemilius Justin Matthias van Well), the son of the local landowner.  Emiel died from protracted illness during January 2022 aged 26.  During his life, Emiel was passionate about nature, healthy food and healthy living.  Emiel's father Adrian described his son as a handsome, brilliant and kind man with a fantastic sense of humour.

Please contact us for details on how to give:

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