Ardlarach Forest
The project is located on a high hillside in Tain, overlooking the Dornoch Firth that reaches the North Sea. There are exceptional panoramic views from the project area.
An important aspect of the project is that it is immediately adjacent to the Morangie Forest, which comprises a Special Protection Area. This large, mature, coniferous forest is managed by Forest and Land Scotland (FLS). The FLS project has a public car park for about a dozen vehicles which also serves Ardlarach Forest. It features an excellent circular path running trough it that is suitable for cycling, rambling and horse riding. This path runs along the edge of the Ardlarach Forest itself. On the day that I last visited, there were families cycling there and various dog walkers. It is only about a mile from Tain itself, and above the main coastal road. So it is very much accessible to both locals (including School children) and ecotourists alike. Ardlarach Forest project has trails and gate access.
The planting Scheme mimics ancient Caledonian Forest with significant elements of Scots pine and Birch. There is significant natural regeneration within the planting area, since the deer fences were erected. In addition to significant planting zones, there are open areas of meadow to benefit species such as Black grouse. During a site visit in August 2024, I was delighted to see that many of the planted trees were already 4 meters plus in height.
Conservation Features
In addition to being adjacent to a Special Protection Area, the project is surrounded by several Sites of Special Scientific Interest. Very large SSSI areas follow both sides of the Firth of Dornoch. The Talich Wildlife Reserve is nearby. The adjacent estuary is a Special Protection Area.
The afforestation area helps to cleanse the significant level of rainfall that flows along the hillside and into the Dornoch Firth. Rare species within the landscape include Capercaillies, Black grouse, Golden eagles, Sea eagles, ospreys, Red squirrels, Red kites, Pine martens, otters and Fin whales. There is a large variety of wading birds in the estuary itself.
At lower elevations, the estate also features agriculture with sustainable farming practices.
At a Glance: Ardlarach Forest Project
Above Tain, Coastal Ross & Cromarty
(very Northeast Scotland)
Offsetting Capacity
9,632 tCO2e
Quinquennial Inspection Imminent
50,935 trees planted on 25 Hectares
Plus natural regeneration
Forestry Features
9.4 Hectares of Broadleaf
16.6 Hectares of native Scots pine
Complementing granny Caledonian Scots pines
Meadow areas
Tree Species
Main species being Scots pine, birch and sycamore
Other species added for design purposes
Landscape Features
Enhancing several SSSIs in the vicinity, and especially, the two large areas along each side of the Firth of Dornoch
Complementing the adjacent Morangie Forest
Complementing Talich Nature Reserve
Benefiting the marine Special Protection Area in the estuary
Key Species to Benefit
Red squirrels, Pine martens and crossbills
Golden eagles, osprey and hen harriers
Black grouse, red grouse and curlews
Aquatic species such as Fin whales, salmon, trout and mussels
Sustainable Development Goals
Good Health and Wellbeing
Quality Education
Clean Water & Sanitation
Climate Action
Life on Land
Life Below Water
Partnerships for the Goals
Recognised Offsetting Framework
Woodland Carbon Code
Recognised Offset Standards
Pending Issuance Units becoming Woodland Carbon Units